Hello and a very warm welcome to you… I wanted to take this opportunity to talk a little bit about what is important to me as a business owner to support you in having the most nurturing and enjoyable experience you can have.

Firstly, whether you visit the salon or treatment room, have a consultation online, purchase some product or simply drop in for a browse and potter around, you are always welcome – first time and every time, without you there is no business! I take care of this space and you are no different to how I take care of and treat you in my home, they are one in the same for me.
I love everything there is to do with hair and beauty and the human body, I see each of these aspects as an expression of our inner beauty, one that is to be deeply cared for and nurtured in way that only brings out the very best in ourselves and therefore naturally inspires others to bring out their best too.
It is important that you speak up when you are having a service (in fact any service of any kind), I shall endeavour to give you the space and encouragement to do just that. Often our negative or worst experiences are the best opportunities to address what it is that we really want from life. Often our best or most positive experiences are also an opportunity to see that that could be the benchmark on how we move through life, in every aspect.
Now that you have been given permission to move, express and talk without any imposition, let’s have some fun! Anyone that has ever experienced a service or consultation with me throughout my career will tell you that while I am providing a service, I am also teaching you how to achieve this for yourself… whether that be applying your own makeup, creating a hairstyle, or caring for your body at home. When you give yourself space to play you will find that you enjoy doing your own hair and makeup, giving yourself a mini facial or massaging parts of your body, whether you think you are good at it or not!
Once you book in for your service, start to take notice of how your hair, skin and body feels. Take a look at your daily routine also, do you allow time in your day to pay attention to your hair, skin and body? What is your daily rhythm, what would you like it to be? How does your hair look and feel, how would you like it to look and feel? What about your skin regime, do you have one? Would you like to see and feel improvements in the health and glow of your skin? Do you wear makeup, would you like to learn more techniques to accentuate your beauty? And what about your body, are you relaxed or are you tense or are you that overwhelmed that you do not even know how you feel? No matter what your answers are to any of the above, it is important that you simply take the time to connect with yourself… The rest I will support you with.
I look forward to seeing you in Terri-Anne Hair Skin Body soon for some fun, nurturing, and relaxation.
Lots of love,
Terri-Anne xx